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Propositions for stakeholders of the CLIWAT project
The majority of following parties has given commitment.
- Municipality of Kolding
- Municipality of Aarhus
- DANVA (association of larger water-works)
- The association of regions
- Association of geotechnical engineers
- Ministry of Environment,
- Ministry of Climate and Energy
- The association of municipalities
- The farmers associations/consultants of the pilot-areas,
- The forest owners association of the pilot areas,
- Association of building engineers
- FVD (association of smaller water works)
- Municipalities of the pilot areas (planning and environmental departments),
- University of Aarhus (Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (DIAS) and the National Environmental Research Institute (NERI)),
- The institute of Climate research (under establishment)
- The Danish Institute of Meteorology (DMI)
- Local Waterworks/ Water companies,
- Federal Ministry for the environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety,
- Ministry of agriculture, environment and rural areas the State of Schleswig-Holstein,
- Lower Authorities for water management and nature protection of relevant municipalities and districts,
- Planning offices/consultancy firms,
- Hydrological Engineering Consultancy Firms
- Planning departments of relevant municipalities,
- Farmers associations,
- Forestry offices Schleswig/Nordfriesland
The Netherlands:
- Province Zeeland
- Province Flevoland
- Province Fryslan
- Province Groningen
- Waterboard Hunze & Aa’s
- Watercompany VITENS
- Waterboard Fryslan
- Province Groningen
- Agentschap Natuur en Bos
- Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij
- Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken, IVA Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust, Afdeling Kust
- Gewestelijke Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij West-Vlaanderen
- Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium
- Vlaamse Land Maatschappij
- Groote West-Polder, Sint-Catharina Polder, Snaeskere Polder, Keygnaert Polder, Ghistel-Oost-Over-de-Waere Polder (these polders have one central administration)
- Zandvoortpolder
- Nieuwe Polder van Blankenberge