Making it happen in a dialogue - The five CLIWAT phases
The project is divided into 5 main phases related to the logical time flow of the project:
- Preparation and planning: coordinating and planning all the activities in the pilot areas and setting the boards, deal with the organisation, responsibilities, economy etc. (WP1)
- Pilot projects and data collection: Field studies, Starting the process and involvement of boards. (WP2, WP3, WP4)
- Data analysis and collection: Analysing the field data. Setting up the 3D models. Building the database. All this is done while focussing on the direction the board has set up. Modelling the future scenarios in the region. A preliminary presentation of the results on the climate summit in Copenhagen 2009. (WP3, WP5, WP6)
- Technical report and Regional management plan: Data is presented and analysed in workshops and meeting. Reaching a regional consensus on the issue. Recommendations to the European commission on how to deal with the changes. (WP6, WP7, WP8)
- Finalize: Disseminate the CLIWAT project to all interested parties. Final presentations and conference. Close the CLIWAT economy. (WP1, WP3)
These phases is broken down into 32 activities:
Phase 1: September 2008
(1) Kick-off meeting
Phase 2: September 2008 - March 2009
(2) Start up of the field work in the seven project areas (line up the activities and planning of the stakeholder involvement)
(3) Innovate on the use of geophysical methods to obtain relevant parameters for modelling and monitoring groundwater systems
(4) Small scale pilot studies on point sources. Potential for reduction of methane emission from land fields. Studies on differences in regional influences when dealing with point sources in different geological environments.
(5) Large scale transboundary studies of the possible increased outwash of pollutants to the aquatic environments and groundwater
(6) Investigation of the changes of salt/freshwater boundary in the coastal zone
(7) Field demonstrations to end user and stakeholders
(8) Meeting in the boards to focus the investigation programme
(9) Adjusting techniques and focus to the recommendations and needs from the boards
Phase 3: March 2009 to March 2011
(10) Interpretation and compilation of the geological and geophysical data
(11) Setting up hydrological models in 3D environment based on sound geological and geophysical models to predict the impact of increased amount of water infiltrated into the hydrological system. Evolve the tools for prediction
(12) Estimate the future amount of extractable clean groundwater and the impact on availability of groundwater for irrigation and drinking water
(13)Quantifying the outwash from agriculture to groundwater, rivers and sea
(14) Modelling the change in water table in the groundwater systems
(15) Locating the flooded areas. Presented on maps for risk assessment
(16) Scenarios for extreme events
(17) Producing maps on where the flooding events will increase due to groundwater flooding
(18) Estimating the potential of growth within the water sector in the northern part of Europe
(19) Develop a web-based interface connecting to the database in which the effects of climate chnage are visual to public and decision makers
Phase 4: June 2010 to June 2011
(20) Technical background report will include: a) investigations carried out, b) maps of the modelled scenarios, c) description on the techniques used, d) description on how to map groundwater discharge to the sea, lakes and rivers in the scenario of a rising groundwater level, e) description on the geophysical and other methods to map groundwater bodies and pollution when dealing with climate change
(21) Education of consulting companies in the new techniques
(22) A Regional management plan: a) the results from the investigations, b) recommendations from the national and transnational boards and need for new legislation, c) aspects on new opportunities to the water dependent industry and waterworks, d) identification of the needs of new technical solutions due to rising groundwater levels (new conditions for buildings, construction of roads etc.)
(23) Distribution of the report in order to enhance adaptation to the future climate changes within the water sector and construction businesses
Phase 2-4 meetings
(24) Two partner meetings per year
(25) One workshop per year: Presentation of results to partners, interested scientists and stakeholders. Internal meetings on demand
(26) Preliminary results on a conference related to the UN Climate summit
(27) 18 meeting and workshops in the national boards dealing with the CLIWAT issues, end-user involvement, legislation and feed back to the CLIWAT partner group
Phase 5: April 2011 to August 2011
(28) Final workshop and conference: Presnetation of the results of CLIWAT project
(29) Final board meeting: Looking forward to ensure best possible dissemination and continuation of the project
(30) Final partner meeting: Evaluation and discussion on how to continue
(31) Final report to INTERREG
Phase 1-5 project management
(30) The work is organised in eight Work Packages
(32) The partners submit financial reports every 6 months to LP