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Climate change groundwater scenario modelling

As described above, the CLIWAT project group will set up integrated hydrological models based on sound geological and geophysical models developed in the project, which will be used to compute and illustrate the effects of different climate scenarios on groundwater quantity and quality and surface water ecosystems primarily on regional thematic maps.

The project group envisage to develop a public website with access to 3D geological models and 2D maps to illustrate the spatial distribution of groundwater bodies in the subsurface, and quantitative and qualitative effects of climate change on groundwater and surface water as simulated by integrated hydrological models. The website will show examples of results obtained in the project itself from the investigated areas e.g. flood risk maps to be used by spatial planners in municipalities and regional authorities

These maps will be used directly by the regional and local authorities involved in the project in the spatial planning of the regions and in the common management of transboundary regions. The work will be closely linked to the requirements of the EU Water Framework, Groundwater and Floods directives for the protection of human health and the environment in EU member states and transboundary regions, i.e. the project will collect basic data, establish spatial models and conduct simulations necessary for sustainable management of the environment and compliance with the EU directives. Hence it will e.g. provide a tool for present and future quantitative and chemical status assessment for groundwater according to the Water Framework and Groundwater directives and for the planning of strategies for flood defence.
Once the models are established they can be easily updated and used for modified scenario calculations as the climate predictions and the geological models develop during the coming decades. Hence the models will be important and continuous tools for spatial and urban planning during the expected period of climate change in the coming decades.

The end-users range from private households (flooding risk areas) over water supply companies (groundwater and drinking water quality) to local, regional, national and transnational authorities (planning and protection of human and environmental health). In the following we list main deliverables and relevant end-users of these, and some examples of application of the results of the 3D geological and the integrated hydrological models developed in the CLIWAT project.

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